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Low Temperature Circulating Grain Dryer
Release Time:2017/7/7 16:54:24

Document 429 of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, dated June 17, 2015, put forward that the second batch of industry standards in 2015 should be compiled with the starting point of "supporting and cultivating new demand growth points, optimizing and upgrading service industries, and promoting independent innovation of industries", further strengthen the formulation of key standards, improve the standard system and upgrade the standard technology level. The national industry standard of "Low Temperature Circulating Grain Dryer" was formulated as a key declared project of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, which was drafted by Anhui Seminole Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
With the support of the government and the joint efforts of professionals, the preliminary draft of the national industry standard "Low Temperature Circulating Grain Dryer" has been revised and completed. In order to further improve the content, on the afternoon of June 22, the Third Symposium on standard formulation was held smoothly in Nanjing Jingxi Hotel to formulate the work. New progress has been made. Ma Lixin, the director of Jiangsu Agricultural Machinery Test and Appraisal Station, Feng Shusheng, the director of Anhui Agricultural Machinery Test and Appraisal Station, Pan Jiujun, the deputy director of Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation Agricultural Machinery Test and Appraisal Station, Lu Jianqiang, the deputy director of Jiangsu Agricultural Machinery Test and Appraisal Station, and experts in the field, 15




National Industry Standard "Low Temperature Circulating Grain Dryer"




Site of the Third Symposium


    During the meeting, the leading experts and representatives of enterprises put forward constructive suggestions on the grain dryer from the perspective of development and consumers respectively. The technical requirements of the old standards are backward. The new standards should improve the indicators. While ensuring the quality and safety of grain, they should be more suitable for and promote the development of industry, promote the upgrading of agricultural mechanization, and provide strong support for the development of agricultural and rural economy. And once again stressed that the formulation of standards should be forward-looking, scientific, long-term and advanced, integrate with international standards, raise the threshold of competition, enhance brand reputation, avoid unfair competition, and promote China's agricultural mechanization to a new height.
Activity glimpse

On the afternoon of the 22nd National Industry Standard "Low Temperature Circulating Grain Dryer" Symposium, President Feng summed up three characteristics of "warmth, interaction and concern".


On-site expert representatives of the seminar put forward suggestions for revision

On-site business representatives of the seminar put forward suggestions for revision

     Anhui Seminole Agricultural Science and Technology Co., Ltd., as the leading drafting unit for the formulation of new national industry standards for low-temperature circulating grain dryers, has been committed to the research and development of new products, new technologies and new processes with market prospects, digesting, absorbing and innovating new technologies at home and abroad. This promotion of the formulation of new industry standards is to promote the standardized operation of the grain dryer industry and provide opportunities for industrial transformation and upgrading. The formulation of new standards is of milestone significance for improving the core competitiveness of grain dryer manufacturing industry.
At the meeting, Ma Lixin, the stationmaster of Jiangsu Agricultural Machinery Testing and Appraisal Station, thanked the enterprises participating in the meeting. In addition, he pointed out that the formulation of industry standards was to guide the development of enterprise technology, but also to meet the needs of actual production enterprises. The standard was the industry code. At present, the quality of agricultural machinery is the most important problem for enterprises. The unstable quality of agricultural machinery will seriously affect the pace of agricultural machinery promotion in China. The reform direction of the future system must be to improve the quality of agricultural machinery products. The purpose of this redesign is to improve the supervision and management of product quality. At present, the standard is still in the stage of soliciting opinions. We hope that the majority of enterprises will put forward pertinent and reasonable demands. Through joint efforts, we can make good agricultural machinery in China and let high-quality products enter the market.

     At the end of the meeting, Feng Shusheng, the stationmaster of Anhui Agricultural Machinery Testing and Appraisal Station, made a final summary of the meeting. He pointed out that there were more than 500 grain drying enterprises in China, while more than 100 low-temperature batch circulating dryers were manufactured, and the market scale could not be underestimated. Among them, the two provinces of Anhui and Jiangsu accounted for nearly 90%. With a large share, the market develops rapidly. However, due to the influence of production scale, there are problems of homogeneity and uneven quality of products at the same time. This time, a lot of manpower and material resources have been devoted to formulating new industry standards, which is to standardize the market and promote the healthy development of dryer industry. Enterprises need to raise awareness, products need to continue to progress, grain dryer has entered the year of reform, to progress, to develop, to grow, to improve, to speed up the pace of upgrading their own is also the direction of development of enterprises.
Activity glimpse


       Finally, we thank Ma Lixin, the director of Jiangsu Agricultural Machinery Test and Appraisal Station, Feng Shusheng, the director of Anhui Agricultural Machinery Test and Appraisal Station, Pan Jiujun, the deputy director of Heilongjiang Agricultural Reclamation Agricultural Machinery Test and Appraisal Station, the appraisal experts of Jiangsu Agricultural Machinery Test and Appraisal Station for their strong support to this Great participation and valuable advice!